America, Home of the "Slave"
I realize that this article might ruffle a few feathers, and I sure hope it does. A few weeks ago, as a tribute to the 4th of July, I wrote an article on the true meaning of freedom. Since then I have to admit that I have seen some things in my own life that have made me question our choice of freedom in this country. I am not too terribly old but I have lived long enough to see some changes in this country that have seriously altered my opinion of "freedom." Just yesterday I was shopping with my sister at a local department store in Cleveland. She was adamant about getting some new makeup product at one the many counters. So, just to be social, I decided to approach one the counter sales clerks about a makeup product I have been using for years but just haven't been able to find. Since I don't like to wear heavy foundation on my face (I prefer a more natural look-this might be TMI) I choose to use a tinted moisturizer. In the summer I ...