National Do-over Day!
Remember when you were a little kid playing Hide-n-seek or some other great childhood game, and when you lost you would scream out, "DO OVER!" Well how come we can't do that anymore? Is there some rule written some where in the "How To Be a Proper Adult" manual that says we can NEVER have a "do over?" I declare today to be National Do-over Day! What about regrets? Most of us will never really know what we regret until we are on our death bed, then we'll say, "I really wish I had been nicer to so-and-so", or, "If I had only done this, or not done that..." For Catholics, we believe that making a good confession is a practical way to start over. In my own personal experience I have found confession to be a wonderful cleansing and healing process for the things I should have done better. But not everything I regret was sinful. Some things were just bad choices. For the most part, I regret dumb things like some of the peop...